Oshkosh Exceeds M-ATV Delivery Schedule for Third Consecutive Month

Category: Defence Industry

Oshkosh M-ATV

OSHKOSH, Wis. —— Oshkosh Corporation announced today that for the third consecutive month, it has exceeded its contract delivery requirements for MRAP All Terrain Vehicles (M-ATV). The September M-ATV delivery requirement for 100 vehicles was met on September 22, more than one week earlier than required.

Oshkosh Corporation is responding to an urgent call from the U.S. Armed Services for the accelerated delivery of M-ATVs for operations in Afghanistan. Since receiving the first order on June 30, 2009, Oshkosh has delivered ahead of schedule each month, enabling the MRAP Joint Program Office to fly M-ATVs to Afghanistan earlier than initial estimates. Oshkosh’s manufacturing facilities have available production capacity for all current and potential military vehicle programs, including the U.S. Army’s Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV), as well as any production surges.

“The M-ATV program was fast-moving from its inception, and we are answering the Warfighter’s need for this advanced vehicle by providing the government with a rapid delivery schedule,” said Charlie Szews, president and chief operating officer of Oshkosh Corporation. “Oshkosh’s robust manufacturing capabilities, proven experience and highly skilled workforce have helped set the company apart as a leading and reliable supplier of the M-ATV, as well as other medium- and heavy-payload tactical wheeled vehicles for the U.S. military.”

Oshkosh uses an advanced integrated assembly line and has simultaneously produced as many as 10 vehicle models with 29 variations. Design innovations, assembly process improvements and lean manufacturing fuel continuous quality improvement at the company’s facilities.

To date, the company has received orders valued at $2.3 billion for 4,296 M-ATVs, including initial spare parts and support services. The U.S. military flew the first M-ATVs to Afghanistan at the end of September.

The Oshkosh® M-ATV uses the advanced Oshkosh TAK-4® independent suspension system for superior mobility, including a 70 percent off-road profile capability and 16 inches of wheel travel. The TAK-4 system, which has undergone more than 400,000 miles of government testing, is featured on more than 10,000 Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacements (MTVR) used by the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy Seabees, and is being retrofitted on more than 2,400 legacy MRAPs for improved mobility in Afghanistan. The system is also used on the Army’s next-generation Palletized Load System (PLS) and the Marine Corps’ Logistics Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR).

Oshkosh Defense teamed with Plasan North America to provide an advanced armor solution for the M-ATV. Plasan also developed the armor system used on more than 5,000 legacy MRAPs and thousands of Oshkosh MTVR Armored Cabs already in theater.

Oshkosh Defense is the leading manufacturer of both medium and heavy tactical wheeled vehicles in the U.S. defense industry. More than 67,000 military-class vehicles have been produced in the company’s manufacturing facilities.


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Oshkosh Defense, LLC