
Oshkosh Truck Unveils Next Generation of Unmanned Defense Logistics Vehicle

OSHKOSH, Wis., -- Oshkosh Truck Corporation announced that it has unveiled an unmanned version of its Palletized Load System (PLS) vehicle at the U.S. Army Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Component Technology Demonstrations in Yuma, Ariz. Showcasing the immediate application of the technology for the U.S. Army fleet, Oshkosh is demonstrating a real-world mission scenario as the driverless truck transports cargo between destinations seven miles apart in the Arizona desert.

27.01.2006 Visits - 12828 Posts - 0

Unique Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle (AUGV) The Spotter Unveiled

Holon, Israel -- Tadiran Electronic Systems, a member of the Elisra Group and a recognized expert in C4I systems for the modern battlefield, has just debuted the Spotter, a new and unique tele-operated Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle (AUGV) that is the state-of-the-art in its field.

12.12.2005 Visits - 13980 Posts - 0

BAE Systems Displays Armed Robotic Demonstrator At AUSA

ARLINGTON, Va. -- BAE Systems is displaying an Armed Robotic Demonstrator at the Association of the U.S. Army’s 2005 Annual Meeting and Exposition this week in Washington to illustrate the synergy between current and future forces.

07.10.2005 Visits - 12601 Posts - 0

iRobot Secures NAVSEA Contract Increase for Man Transportable Robotic System

BURLINGTON, Mass., Sept. 16, 2005 iRobot Corp. has been awarded a Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) contract modification to deliver the iRobot PackBot Man Transportable Robotic System, or MTRS, robots. An initial order has been placed for 103 PackBot MTRS robots at a value of $12.1 million. iRobot could deliver up to 1,200 robots through 2012 under the indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract.

29.09.2005 Visits - 10436 Posts - 0

Seoul to Build Combat Robot

Defense and communications technicians will team up to develop a mobile combat robot to fight alongside human soldiers on the battlefield, the government said Wednesday. Officials heading the project said they have requested 33.4 billion won ($32.4 million) in funding between 2006 and 2011 to develop the horse-like robot for deployment.

25.09.2005 Visits - 12957 Posts - 0

Tiny Robot Carries Big Responsibility in Iraq

CAMP VICTORY, Iraq -- Technology has always played an important role in the success of the U.S. military, and the introduction of the multi-function agile radio-controlled robot, "MARCBOT," is one piece of technology helping in the fight against improvised explosive devices in Iraq.

16.09.2005 Visits - 10296 Posts - 0

Foster-Miller Awarded $96 million Contract for Additional TALON Robots

Foster-Miller, Inc., announced today that it has received its largest US military order to date for ground robots. The multi-year contract increased from $27.5 million for 250 robots to $124 million for up to 1200 TALON™ Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) robots.

16.09.2005 Visits - 14907 Posts - 0

Japanese Robot Is Powered by Fuel Cells

TOKYO, June 28 Asia Pulse - Robot development firm Speecys Corp. has developed a small bipedal walking robot powered by fuel cells.

01.07.2005 Visits - 9511 Posts - 0

United Defense Awarded $30.9 Million Army Contract to Develop and Integrate Robotic Technologies for Armed Vehicles

Competitive win follows FCS Armed Robotic Vehicle and Marine Corps Gladiator awards. SANTA CLARA, CA, April 14, 2005 - United Defense Industries, Inc. (NYSE: UDI) continues to expand its role in unmanned ground vehicle programs and technologies with the award of a $30.9 million U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) Science and Technology Objective (STO) contract.

18.04.2005 Visits - 14449 Posts - 0

The Prospect of the Russian Armed Forces

On 17-19 November, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation held a conference of the top commanders of the Russian Armed Forces. The conference was attended by a large number of military leaders, including generals and admirals of the Ministry of Defence and the General Headquarters, Commanders-in-Chief of Armed Services as well as Commanders of Branches, Military Districts and Fleets.

29.12.2004 Visits - 34713 Posts - 0

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