First deliveries of the counter-mining system SOUVIM 2

Category: Defence Industry

First deliveries of the counter-mining system SOUVIM 2

Development of SOUVIM 2, a mine path clearing system designed and manufactured by MBDA since 2008, has just been completed.

Two units of this land vehicle set will be delivered very shortly to the DGA, the French armament procurement agency and will undergo final qualification testing before delivery to the French Army. In line with the DGA's aim, the French Army will be ready to deploy this system on foreign theatres in 2010.

SOUVIM 2 was designed for use in mobility support missions, allowing quick clearing of mined paths over long distances behind the lines: over 100 km of track cleared daily, with extensive counter-mining capabilities. The SOUVIM 2's performance is currently unequalled.

The system relies on the combined action of two vehicles towing mine-activation trailers. The first vehicle is designed to roll over a pressure mine without activating it. It tows a first "mine-triggering trailer" (RDM) whose weight will trigger pressure-sensitive mines and thereby secure the second vehicle's progress. This latter vehicle tows two further RDMs whose different wheel bases help cover the whole width of the track to be cleared.

About MBDA

With industrial facilities in four European countries and within the USA, MBDA has an annual turnover of €2.6 billion and an order book of €12 billion. With more than 90 armed forces customers in the world, MBDA is a world leader in missiles and missile systems.

MBDA is the only group capable of designing and producing missiles and missile systems that correspond to the full range of current and future operational needs of the three armed forces (land, sea and air). In total, the group offers a range of 45 missile systems and countermeasures products already in operational service and more than15 others currently in development.

MBDA is jointly held by BAE SYSTEMS (37.5%), EADS (37.5%) and FINMECCANICA (25%).



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Souvim 2 (Mine cleaning system)