UK Defence Industrial Strategy - One Year on

Category: Defence Industry

Defence Minister, Lord Drayson, marked the successful first year of the Defence Industrial Strategy with key UK industrialists at an event in the City of London.

The DIS was launched on 15th December 2005 and represented a major shift in the way that MoD does business. It called for a competitive and 'lean' defence industrial base which delivers long term value for money and provides the UK's Armed Forces with the equipment they need, and set out clearly the MOD's future equipment priorities.

Commenting on the successful implementation of the strategy, Lord Drayson said:

"The MoD and industry should be proud of the achievements made this year in delivering the vision in the DIS. There has been real progress in all key sectors including, most recently, the signature of the MoU that takes us into the next phase of the JSF programme; the exciting Taranis UAV contract; and the very positive news yesterday of a joint venture in the maritime sector between BAE Systems and VT. Industry has got the message that DIS is here to stay and is now starting to see the benefits. In addition, there have been significant structural changes within the MoD, not least the merger of the DLO and DPA, which will streamline the acquisition process.

"There is still work to be done in some areas but we now have the framework for success.

"My focus in 2007 will be on enshrining a culture in the MoD where staff are focused on continuous improvement in performance. I want to see staff motivated to take responsibility for project delivery, rewarded where they perform well, and held accountable where they perform badly.

"At the heart of all this is providing the right equipment to our Armed Forces who serve with such distinction on the front line. It is my number one priority to ensure this happens."

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