
Type 270/M239

Manufacturer: Kaha Company of Chemical Industries  
Product type: Screen Laying Systems  
Name: Self-screening system  


Each Type 270/M239 system consists of a bank of six 66 mm grenade launcher tubes all at a different angle, which are used to project a smoke grenade to a range of 30 to 40 m over the frontal arc of the vehicle. Details of the Kaha Company for Chemical Industries smoke grenades used by this system are given in the following entry.

A complete system consists of two launchers, two grenade stowage bins, two canvas covers which are used when the grenade launchers are not in use and one electrical operating unit which is installed inside the vehicle, normally at the commander's station.

In a typical ÌÂÒ application, a bank of six 66 mm smoke grenade launchers would be mounted either side of the turret while on lighter vehicles a smaller number would be installed.

Typical Egyptian Army applications include the upgraded T-54/T-55 MBTswitha 105 mm gunandT-62 series MBTs.


Production as reguired. In service with the Egyptian Army. There are no known export sales of this system.

Property Value
Main weapon caliber (mm)

Has folowing part:
Total Amount
? (Grenade launcher)
? (Grenade launcher)
? (Smoke grenade)

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