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Rheinmetall MAN Survivor R special protected vehicle on show at GPEC 2020 international security exhibition in Frankfurt/Main

Category: Defence Industry

When it comes to equipping the men and women who protect our liberty and security, only the best will do. From 18 to 20 February 2020, Rheinmetall will be on hand at the GPEC international security conference and exhibition in Frankfurt, displaying the Survivor R special operations protected vehicle.

The Survivor R epitomizes Rheinmetall’s commitment to the twin imperatives of security and mobility. It is extremely well suited for police special operations. In Germany, state-level police forces in Berlin, North Rhine Westphalia and Saxony have already opted to equip their SWAT teams with the Survivor R. Meanwhile, the vehicle has proven itself several times in operations. The Survivor R is now in the running to become the standard special operations vehicle for Germany’s federal and state police agencies.

Developed in cooperation with special vehicle maker Achleitner and based on a high-performance 4x4 MAN truck chassis, the Survivor R is fitted with a steel armour cab. Capable of reaching speeds of over 100 km/h, the vehicle combines tried-and-tested automotive technology from major production runs with the latest force protection concepts from Rheinmetall.

Systematic use of off-the-shelf civilian parts and serially produced military components make the vehicle an affordable option, while users can rely on Rheinmetall MAN’s global service network for maintenance and repairs. This makes the Survivor R a cost-effective, easy-to-maintain vehicle platform with low lifecycle costs and a high level of operational readiness.

An armoured monocoque cab with add-on protection elements can be individually and discreetly modified to meet evolving threat situations, while a ventilation system for filtering out nuclear, biological and chemical agents is standard equipment in every Survivor R vehicle. Well-lit and ergonomically designed, the interior is spacious enough to seat up to eleven personnel with their personal equipment as well as extensive C4I and communications equipment. An engine-independent auxiliary heating and a powerful air conditioning system ensure a comfortable operating environment for the crew all year round.

This versatile vehicle can also be equipped with remotely operated weapon stations. A variant fitted with Rheinmetall’s Fieldranger weapon station is designed for protecting airports, for instance, as well as for operations against terrorists employing military tactics and equipment.


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