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Recon Optical Awarded Contract for Stabilized Remotely Operated Weapon Systems
Category: Contracts
![]() Recon Optical has received a $5.5M production contract from Electro Optic Systems, Limited (EOS) of Australia to supply 44 of its RAVENTM R-400 Stabilized Remotely Controlled Weapon System for integration on the Bushmaster infantry mobility vehicle under ADI/THALES Australia's Project Bushranger. Recon Optical delivered all 44 systems to EOS by the end of December 2006. By completing deliveries a full month ahead of schedule, Recon Optical demonstrates its continued focus on the end user's urgent needs and its ability to support rapid procurement programs. The U.S. Army type classified the RAVENTM R-400 as the M101 Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS), and through a series of urgent material requirements (UMR), over 560 units have been contracted to Recon Optical in less than 18 months. To meet this demand, Recon Optical's new lean manufacturing facility is capable of producing hundreds of units per month. Recon Optical fully supports the U.S. Army CROWS with field service engineers and maintenance facilities in the theater of operation and in Barrington, Illinois and Tucson, Arizona. With its stabilized remote operation, the RAVEN protects Soldiers by enabling gunners to operate safely from within their vehicle's ballistic armor. The Soldier is no longer exposed to hostile fire, inclement weather, or other hazardous conditions normally associated with operating a pintle-mounted weapon system. The systems' stabilization greatly increases the accuracy of the installed weapons while on the move or stationary. RAVEN's one-shot, one-kill capability multiplies force effectiveness, lowers collateral damage potential, and minimizes logistics resupply requirements in demanding urban warfare environments. RAVEN accommodates a variety of small caliber (5.56 and 7.62-mm) machine guns, and the M2 .50-cal and Mk-19 40-mm heavy machine guns. RAVEN mounts on the roof of HUMVEEs and other armored or un-armored vehicles. The CROWS systems currently deployed in Iraq are getting high marks from the Soldiers using them. Soldiers in combat are obviously pleased to be off the roof and effectively firing their weapons from inside their vehicles. They have been able to engage the enemy in situations that would be impossible without the CROWS' accuracy. Recon Optical is also teamed with EOS, who provides the critical fire control and sensor components, for the U.S. Army's CROWS program. Together, Recon Optical and EOS have spent years developing and refining their patented RAVEN technologies. |
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Recon/Optical, Inc, CAI Division (ROI)
Electro Optic Systems Holdings Limited
Electro Optic Systems Pty Limited - EOS
Bushmaster (Wheeled armoured personnel carrier)
XM101 RAVEN R-400 (Remote controlled weapon station)
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