
Wamore, Inc.

Type of activity:
Electronics & Computers
Contact: Ruth Foster, Marketing Manager

22601 North 17th Avenue,
Suite 170 Phoenix,
AZ 85027

Country: USAUSA
Phone: +1 623-582-8448

Wcmore, Inc. is a Phoenix-based developer and manufacturer of innovative defense products such as a wireless gate release system (WGRS) for military cargo planes. The WGRS is a roll-on/ roll-off remote controlled payload release system requiring no interface whatsoever to any aircraft. WGRS is very easy to rig in the cargo bay an a' intuitive for the loadmaster. Using WGRS is much safer than using wired systems for the aircrew as the loadmaster will no longer need to cut the straps in the cargo area while the cargo gate is open, while at high altitudes, on oxygen end tethered in. WGRS also releases the loads more precisely thereby reducing the number of mishaps in the air and on the ground. WGRS is now available with a 2,450 lb capable WGRM end с 10,000 lb capable MCWGRM to accommodate payloads of varying size, shape, and weight. WGRS is aircraft independent. Precision air guidance units are also available, JPADS for cargo being parachuted.

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