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Patria AMV Platforms Selected in South Africa

Category: Contracts

Patria AMV

The acquisition organisation of South African Ministry of Defence has signed a contract with the local defence manufacturer Denel Land Systems, a division of Denel Ltd for the new generation infantry combat vehicle programme. Patria has been selected to supply the vehicle platforms to Denel Land Systems, which also supplies the turrets for the vehicles.

The planned total scope of the programme covers the development, industrialisation and serial production of 264 wheeled infantry combat vehicles in 5 different versions. The contract covers the entire programme, but different phases of the programme will be ordered in phases. The first vehicles will be manufactured in Finland, after which the production will gradually be transferred to South Africa.

Patria has extensive co-operation agreements with South African companies. In addition to Denel, Patria works closely with Land Mobility Technologies Ltd concerning vehicle and logistic engineering and BAE Systems Land Systems South Africa Ltd concerning serial production and life cycle support of the vehicles. Patria will arrange extensive engagement of local working force, services and material purchases from local suppliers as well as other activities producing economic benefits for the local industry.

Patria AMV has outperformed in field tests fulfilling the toughest procurement requirements of modern defence forces. Patria will work in close co-operation with its South African partners to maximise the local content in the program. Patria's technology transfer program will bring considerable engineering, manufacturing and life cycle support capabilities to local industry working as suppliers of local components and services.

Sergyi Way

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