Grupo Tecnobit was founded in March 2000 as a result of the integration of three companies: Tecnobit S.A., Elco Sistemas S.A., and Sidocor S.L The main activities of Tecnobit Group are the following:
Avionics for civil and military platforms, tactical navigators for helicopters, Data Link Terminals and different subsystems for the "Eurofighter Thyphoon" combat aircraft.
Electro-optic systems: FLIR/IHST SENSORS AND Pod Designator Laser.
Command and Control Systems for the armed forces and civilian customers.
Operational Simulators: Driving and Systems Trainers, Artillery Simulators, Flight Navigation and Procedures Trainers JAA certified.
Integrated Logistic Support and Logistic Engineering Services.
Information Technologies: Knowledge Management Documentation management, CBTs and e-leaning.