Armoured Vehicle Museum >>


Country: GERMANY  
Vehicle type: Tank  
Year of manufacture: 1918  

LK-I (Leichte Kampfwagen) Light (Cavalry) Tank

LK-I was designed by Joseph Vollmer and influenced by captured British Mark A Whippet Medium Tank. It was based on Daimler car chassis, using the existing axles for sprocket and idler wheels. It's design followed typical automobile layout with the engine at the front and driving compartment in the rear. It was the first German tank to be mounted with the turret (rear mounted) armed with 7.92mm Maxim 08/15 machine gun. Armor protection was 8 to 14mm and entire tank weighted 6.89 tons. It was 5.08m long, 1.95m wide and 2.52m high. LK-I was powered by single Daimler-Benz Otto Model 1910 4-cylinder 50-60hp gasoline engine with operational range of 70km and maximum speed of 14km/h. It carried 140l of gasoline and was operated by 3 men crew. Only prototypes were produced in mid 1918, while 800 were ordered.

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