
Fuchs/Fox KAI

Manufacturer: Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH  
Product type: Auxiliary Vehicles  
Name: Mine clearing vehicle  

Fuchs/Fox KAI is new Fuchs/Fox variant is called the KAI, short for its official Germany designation, “Kampfmittelaufklärung und –identifizierung”.

Besides excellent crew protection, the Fuchs/Fox KAI features a multiple-joint, high-precision manipulator arm with a 10-metre reach and heavy lifting capacity. The manipulator arm makes it possible for EOD personnel to examine and identify unexploded ordnance and IEDs with extreme precision from a safe standoff without leaving the safety of the fighting compartment. Moreover, a special rescue platform can be used for evacuating personnel and equipment from the danger zone.

The Fuchs/Fox vehicle used for the KAI platform is the latest version of this tried and tested 6x6 wheeled vehicle, which occupies a prominent place in the Bundeswehr inventory. First fielded some thirty years ago, Rheinmetall has steadily upgraded the protection level and operational capabilities of this robust, reliable three-axle vehicle, adding modular protection features, a reinforced chassis and fragment-reducing spall liner in the interior of the fighting compartment.

Last Contracts:
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Feb 2013
(Nov 2014)
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Fuchs/Fox KAI
Fuchs/Fox KAI
Fuchs/Fox KAI
Fuchs/Fox KAI